MO: Court backs confining sex offenders indefinitely

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that a state law allowing sex offenders to be committed indefinitely to mental institutions after prison is constitutional. Full Article

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From the article:
Judges ruled that the case centered on Kirk and Nelson’s commitments, and so they didn’t consider the constitutionality of how release works under the program.

Wow. They didn’t want to involve context here b/c a previous law stated it was constitutional.

This is how the 2003 Smith decision was devilishly constructed: you are guilty until proven innocent context – the defendants must prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the scheme is punitive. Crazy right? It should be the other way around.

A collection of arguments rejected in the past ? don’t break a sweat judge ! and reaffirmed the law . there was plenty of time when they were locked down to check them out , I would love to see the report of what the women guards said about the one , because it is really easy to get wrote up by guards on a power trip , and sex So’s are not at the top of the like list , no they like the bullies and the ones that are doing live on the instalment plan , they love them , the ones that try to stay out of trouble are called lames , even by the guards . screw MO and there lazy a$$ courts dripping with funk , sad too because the fishing is great out that way , and great motorcycle riding country , but if your an RC better stay out , matter of fact if your poor and in the wrong place ,like poor side of town it can go very bad because the cops and the courts are the law of the land , they act just like most states in the way that acting as if the courts cops and fines is the only way to make bank , heck if you was to drop a penny out there around a judge and a pretender they would fight over it like chickens over a June bug lol

Pretty cowardly act

man can you imagine if they did this with all criminals being released? every single person convicted of a crime the state and “medical” pretenders could say have some type of mental illness and the fact they committed a crime is prima facie evidence simply because no sane person would commit a crime so no one who thinks as they do is normal…next how dangerous are they and what are the chances of committing a crime again because of their ” mental illness “?? lets see thats about everyone who HASN’T committed murder or a sex offense..dui and armed robbers, car jackers, gangbangers, assault with deadly weapons, drive by shooters just to name a few, are all more dangerous statistically then ex sex offenders so never let anyone out until they are deemed cured by the same people who are holding them prisoner…just eliminate sentencing phases and keep them all locked up until they are deemed cured…classic draconian laws…